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Dental Technologies: OralID
Dentistry Technology OralID
OralID is proven, optically based technology that uses a blue light to help clinicians identify oral abnormalities in your mouth. This technology is especially important for cancer screening, as it can detect oral cancer and precancerous abnormalities.
Who Makes OralID Technology?
OralID was made by Forward Science—with the vision to create a simpler, more efficient, and more affordable oral cancer screening technology. OralID uses the same applications of fluorescence technology as other similar oral exam devices, but has no upfront costs and has lower costs in general.
How Does OralID Work?
Created by Forward Science, OralID uses a proven, optically tested technology for oral cancer screening. In essence, OralID helps clinicians get a clear visualization of oral abnormalities in your mouth—without resorting to invasive or otherwise messy procedures.
OralID uses a proven, optically based technology called “fluorescence technology.” OralID’s fluorescence technology uses a blue light that offers visualization aid to oral mucosal abnormalities, such as oral cancer and pre-cancerous conditions.
Other medical applications of fluorescence technology include highlighting potential problems in the GI tract, cervix, lung, and skin.Thanks to Forward Science and OralID detecting and treating oral cancer, keeping your mouth healthy has never been easier.
What Does Oral ID Look Like?
OralID is a portable, hand-held light designed to be used as an adjunctive device to detect oral cancer in your mouth. It’s very small, lightweight, and non-invasive.
One of the reasons it’s so effective at detecting oral cancer is how quickly it can be used. Forward Science designed OralID to be fast, effective, and affordable.
What Is It Used For?
Oral cancer is no joke. As with most types of cancer, early detection is key to effective treatment. That’s why oral cancer screening, and cancer screening in general, is so important. Abnormalities including oral cavity and/or precancerous spots can be detected with the use of OralID, and its medical applications of fluorescence technology. Plus, with this optically based technology called OralID, you can get an oral cancer screening in as little as two minutes!
Because the technology uses a blue light, there’s also no need for rinses or dyes. With this proven, optically based technology, oral cancer can be caught earlier through convenient, quick, and affordable oral cancer screening.
Is OralID Safe?
OralID is a completely safe oral cancer screening technology. Not only is getting an oral cancer screening a good first step toward cancer prevention and treatment, but OralID itself is quick and harmless.
OralID technology uses a blue light to create a fluorescent visualization of oral abnormalities inside your mouth. Quite literally this technology illuminates healthy mouth tissue, leaving potential abnormalities a dark color.
Abnormalities such as oral cavity or signs of oral cancer can be easily seen by your clinician. OralID uses a proven, optically tested method to detect oral cancer and precancerous conditions.
The optically based technology called fluorescence makes oral cancer screening virtually accessible to all.
Is OralID Right For Me?
This oral device is one of the most convenient early detection devices on the market for detecting oral cancer.
OralID is effective, convenient, and non-invasive.
There are no dyes or rinses—only safe blue fluorescent light that can quickly and effectively detect oral problems, including oral cancer.
Don’t wait to get your mouth checked for oral cancer. There are no more excuses—with OralID, it’s easier than ever! If you have any questions whatsoever, Tennessee Centers for Laser Dentistry is here to help. We’re always just a phone call away. Contact us about any screening questions, concerns, or interests you may have!
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If you would like to know more about our practice and/or the technology we use on a day-to-day basis, simply give us a phone call or fill in our online form with your basic information and we’ll get back with you. We will be happy to address any specific questions or concerns you might have!